What is HIFU?

HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a non-surgical procedure that uses ultrasound energy to lift, tighten and firm skin. Currently, HIFU is the only known non-invasive procedure that can target the same foundational layer of the skin (SMAS layer) that is typically addressed in cosmetic surgery.
HIFU treatment works by delivering tiny deposits of ultrasound energy into the foundational layer without having to cut or disrupt the surface of the skin. Delivered at the right depth, the ultrasound energy triggers skin’s regenerative process to produce fresh, new collagen. Collagen gives skin strength and elasticity. With more “healthy” collagen available, the skin will gradually develop a more lifted and toned appearance.
The Ultraskin HIFU is appropriate for all skin types and is an ideal option for individuals looking at preventive maintenance – “stopping the signs of aging before it happens”, individuals who have mild to moderate sagging skin, or individuals looking to prolong the effects of their cosmetic surgery procedure.
Results can be observed after a single session with optimum results showing over a two to three month time period. Results may last for years, depending on the individual’s skin condition and natural aging process.

How does HIFU work?

HIFU is an FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and HSA (Health Sciences Authority) approved treatment in Singapore that uses ultrasound technology to reach different layers of the skin, penetrating through skin without causing damage to the surface and delivering targeted waves of 60-70 degrees Celsius.
Doctors normally begin each HIFU therapy session by cleaning the targeted areas of the face and applying a cooling gel. After that, they use a handheld HIFU-powered transducer that generates short bursts of ultrasonic waves.
The device would deliver targeted ultrasonic waves into many layers of skin and tissue when held above the skin. The ultrasonic waves generate heat that penetrates deep into the epidermal layer, melting fat in the face while stimulating collagen to tighten the skin, giving the skin a lifting and toning look.

Why HIFU and what are the benefits?

Our skin’s structural base which helps to keep our skin firm, smooth, and youthful-looking loses elastin and collagen as we age.
Fine lines and wrinkles, double chins, sagging skin, neck, jowls, and cheeks can all be reduced with HIFU treatment.
In addition to skin lifting, HIFU helps to minimize the appearance of dark eye circles and wrinkles around the eyes.

HIFU helps:

  • Lifts and tightens the chin/jaw area, eyebrows, cheeks, and neck area.
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Stimulates the natural healing process of the body.


Each HIFU treatment session typically take around 60-90 mins, depending on the treated area.

Following HIFU treatment, you may notice an instant lift.
According to clinical studies, your skin will continue to lift and tighten progressively over the next 3-4 months.
This is due to the fact that HIFU treatment initiates a gradual process of collagen repair and regeneration.

Most patients only require one HIFU treatment, with maintenance every six months.
Two initial treatments are recommended for patients with severe sagging, followed by routine maintenance every six months.

HIFU is a relatively painless technique. Numbing cream is not required for the majority of our patients. A moderate discomfort along the jawline and cheek bone may be felt by some though. If necessary, topical anaesthesia might be used to relieve any discomfort.

There is no downtime with HIFU treatment.
HIFU is a non-invasive process that allows you to immediately resume your normal activities.

There are no known side effects though some patients may experience some slight redness of the skin and swelling that are temporary.

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