What is Skin Booster 水光针?

Restylane Skin Booster (水光针) is a dermal filler that is injected into the skin with great precision to improve firmness, radiance, suppleness, and texture. Hyaluronic acid, a component found naturally in a person’s eyes, skin, joints, and other regions of the body, is used to inject the filler.

This ensures that the filler is quickly absorbed by the body and reversible, with any potential hazards or side effects kept to a minimum.

Aesthetic doctors believe Restylane Skin Booster to be one of the safest aesthetic procedures for effectively improving one’s appearance.

How does Skin Booster work?

Due to the affinity of hyaluronic acid for water, when Skin Booster is injected into our skin, it attracts and absorbs water, resulting in a favourable skin environment and increased hydration.
Skin Booster filler is gentle and does not modify our facial form, unlike traditional dermal fillers used for facial volume loss replacement and facial contour augmentation. Because each Skin Booster hyaluronic acid molecule can absorb up to 200 times its weight in water, it is a remarkable and very powerful treatment.

Why Skin Booster and what are the benefits?

Restylane Skin Booster is known to greatly improve skin firmness, texture, and radiance. Unknown to many, Skin Booster also helps to reduce acne scars by lifting and hydrating the skin.


  • smoother skin.
  • reduction of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • tighter and firmer looking skin.
  • more radiant, supple and healthy looking skin.
  • skin hydration from within.
  • reduction of acne scars.


Depending on the treated area, each Skin Booster injection take between 10 and 20 minutes.

The process of cell repair and rejuvenation takes time to complete hence results may only be visible after two to three weeks.

To achieve the best results, Skin Booster should be performed once every 3-4 weeks for a total of 3-4 sessions. <br> Treatments are repeated every six months as maintenance.

Skin Booster procedure uses micro-injection that are shallow, using a very thin needle. To reduce discomfort, a topical numbing lotion will be administered to the skin before the procedure.

The downtime is expected to last no more than two days if the skin treatment is skilfully administered by an experienced doctor. If an injecting device is used, downtime can last three days or longer due to more needles piercing the skin, causing possible bruising.

There are no known side effects though patients may experience injection related side effects such as redness, swelling, needle marks, skin bumpiness. These are common and will subside within 24 hours. Bruising may sometimes occur as well and ice packs can resolve it in a short time.

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