What is Calecim Advanced Hair System?

Calecim Advanced Hair System is a Mesenchymal stem cell growth factor serum that contains multiple growth factors and cytokines- including Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF), Transforming Growth Factor (TGF), Insulinlike Growth Factor (IGF) and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF).

These growth factors promote hair growth by acting on the hair follicle to increase blood supply and cell proliferation (activity of hair growth), prolong anagen (hair growth phase) and conversion from telogen to anagen (dormant hair follicles become active again)

This treatment primarily addresses hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern hair loss) and a proper diagnosis must be made to exclude other alternative causes of hair loss. Results are typically seen in 3-4 months, with patients experiencing improved hair density and volume with less hair fall.

What Is Advanced Hair System Treatment?

Advanced Hair System is a mesenchymal stem cell growth factor serum that contains multiple growth factors and cytokines, including:
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGF)
Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)
Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)

These growth factors promote hair growth by:
Increasing blood supply and cell proliferation in hair follicles
Prolonging the anagen phase (active hair growth phase)
Converting dormant follicles (telogen) into active ones (anagen)

This treatment primarily addresses hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern hair loss). A proper diagnosis is necessary to rule out other causes of hair loss.

Results are typically seen in 3-4 months, with patients experiencing improved hair density, increased volume, and reduced hair fall.


Patients come to clinic with a clean scalp free of any hair products, and it is recommended not to wash hair for 24 hours after a treatment. There is no downtime and you can resume normal activity.

Treatment with Calecim AHS can give satisfactory results in early to moderate hair loss. In advanced hair loss, a hair transplant may give better results. Treatment with Calecim AHS after a hair transplant has been noted to improve the hair growth of transplanted hair follicles.

Yes, both male and female patients can undergo this treatment.


Patients should arrive with a clean scalp, free of any hair products. It is recommended not to wash hair for 24 hours after treatment. There is no downtime, and normal activities can be resumed immediately.

This treatment can provide satisfactory results for early to moderate hair loss. However, for advanced hair loss, a hair transplant may offer better results. When used after a hair transplant, this treatment has been observed to enhance the growth of transplanted hair follicles.

Yes, both men and women can undergo this treatment.

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