What is Botox?

Botulinum toxin, often referred to as botox, is a neurotoxin originating from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its brand names include Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin. Medically, it serves to address specific muscular ailments and cosmetically diminish wrinkles through temporary muscle paralysis.

How does Botox® work?

Botulinum Toxin, or Botox® is generally used to treat wrinkles on the face and for face contouring. Botox® injections can generally help achieve a slimmer, V-shaped, or oval-shaped face, by reducing the appearance of a square jaw. The injections work by relaxing the jaw muscles on either side of the face, causing them to shrink over time. Each brand has a slightly different recipe, but they all act in the same way to paralyze muscle movements and minimize wrinkles, or for face contouring. Botox® injections, when administered by a skilled doctor, can efficiently and safely make you seem younger naturally.

Why Botox?

Botox® is an effective treatment to relax and smooth dynamic wrinkles that appear when we are expressing emotions. Dynamic wrinkles are lines that typically occur around the eyes, on the forehead, between the brows, from the nose to the corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds), and around the lips. Botox® injections can also help achieve a slimmer, V-shaped or oval-shaped face, by reducing the appearance of a square jaw.

Botox® helps:

  • Lift sagging eyebrows, cheeks, neck, and middle and lower face
  • Smoothen nasolabial folds
  • Rejuvenate overall appearance
  • Fix the symmetry of uneven eyebrow


Each Botox® treatment session typically take around 20 -60 mins, depending on treatment area.

The average time to see results for the three brands (Botox®, Dysport, and Xeomin) is 3-7 days. Some people would notice an improvement in as little as 24 hours.<br>

A considerable reduction in sweating is noted within 2 weeks of treatment for axillary hyperhydrosis, and the effects last 6-7 months.

Botox® can last from 3 to 6 months, depending on the injection site, dosage, current face muscle activity, and skin health. It’s critical to return for treatment on a frequent basis if you want to stay young and wrinkle-free. Regular treatment can help to slow the progression of wrinkles and prevent the formation of static or permanent wrinkles.

Botox® is a tiny injection and most people barely feel any pain. Numbing cream or cold pack can be placed on the injection site to minimise discomfort.

Downtime for Botox® is very minimal. You can resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure.

Immediately after the procedure, there might be some slight bruising, pain and swelling around the treated areas, but these are merely temporary and will heal quickly.

Botox® was approved by US FDA in 2002. It has been widely tested and used safely for decades around the world. Side effects are rare, but some people may experience temporary headaches, bruising or redness at injection site.

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