What is Hydrafacial™?

The Hydrafacial™ treatment takes its name from the root word Hydrate: “to cause to take up moisture”.
Hydrafacial™ removes dead skin cells and impurities while simultaneously bathing the new skin with solutions that contain cleansing, hydrating and moisturising properties.
Using specific skin-serums and boosters, Hydrafacial™ is uniquely able to treat all skin issues such as pigmentation, fine wrinkles, acne, and blackheads.
Unlike regular facials, Hydrafacial™ is also safe. It delivers consistent results because its effectiveness is not therapist-dependent.
With zero downtime, Hydrafacial™ is a very popular facial treatment among our customers especially before special occasions.

At Avenue + Co, we use the latest Hydrafacial MD® Elite machine for all our treatments.

How does Hydrafacial™ work?

Suitable for all skin types, Hydrafacial™ consists of a four-step process:

  • Step 1: Cleansing and Exfoliation.
  • Step 2: Acid Peel.
  • Step 3: Extraction.
  • Step 4: Hydration.

During the ‘cleansing and exfoliation’ process, the face is saturated with a solution that deeply cleanses and exfoliates skin, softening sebum and dislodging dead skin cells in preparation for the extraction process. This is followed by a gentle acid peel to loosen dirt and debris from the pores while the patented vortex suction extracts the impurities. The last step involves saturating and nourishing the face with the antioxidant-rich solution that soothes, rejuvenates and nourishes the skin.

Why Hydrafacial™?

It is a skin rejuvenation treatment suitable for all ages, skin types, and concerns. Because Hydrafacial™ uses a revolutionary and patented technology, it delivers consistent results.
The extraction equipment is soft on the skin, making the procedure painless. With no downtime, you can witness visible skin improvement after just one Hydrafacial™ treatment. Hydrafacial™ can also be tailored to your specific skin concerns.
Based on your specific skincare goals, we may also recommend other skin rejuvenation treatments to complement the Hydrafacial™ treatment.

Hydrafacial™ helps:

  • Improve Acne Prone Skin
  • Reduce Lines & Wrinkles
  • Improve Skin Texture & Skin Tone
  • Reduce Pigmentation & Blemishes
  • Achieve a Clean, Hydrated & Well-Nourished Skin
  • Reduce Skin Sensitivity
  • Lymphatic Detoxification


Each Hydrafacial™ session will take around 45-mins.

You can expect healthier and more youthful skin just after one session.

Once a month is the recommended frequency for Hydrafacial™. You may require more or fewer sessions depending on your skin condition.

The Hydrafacial™ treatment gently cleanses and rejuvenates your skin without causing any pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.
Our doctors will first assess your skin condition to decide from three various strengths of exfoliation, type of LED light, and the level suction power of the applicator that best suit your skin type needs.

The Hydrafacial™ treatment is a quick and effective procedure. The sensation is frequently described as “a cooling brush moving across the face.” Because there is no downtime, you can put on make-up and resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment.

There are no known side effects for Hydrafacial™.

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